Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gummy Worms

Gummy worms. A candy that all little kids are attracted to because of the delicious fruity flavor and the worm like shape. Because, quite frankly, what kid doesn't want to eat worms. But gummy worms can be dangerous, you could choke on them, eat to many and have weight problems, and you can have gummy worm fights. Yes, I have particiapted in a gummy worm fight. One might think that gummy worm fights would consist of throwing multiple gummy worms at other people. No. For me it is throwing one gummy worm around. Within a few minutes this gummy worm has been in my mouth and in about four of my friends hair. That's when it happens. It hits the wall with a sickening squishing sound. Then, rather then sliding slowing down the wall, it stays put. Held tight by a combination of food coloring, sugar, and my spit. We, being the poeple we are find this extremely hilarious, and believe me it was. This gummy occupied the next five minutes of our life as we all took turns capturing photos of  it. And just for our amusement we decided we shouldn't take this worm off the wall. So we left it there. All night. And in to the morning. When we finally took it off the wall. It took quite of bit of effort. It had sort of suctioned on to the way and it seemed unhappy to be parted from it. The point to this story is that looking back it made me think about my faith. About how when I'm thinking least about my faith, it gets the strongest. When we slept that night that worm just stuck to that wall even harder. When we don't pay attention to our faith, when we having things going on in our life that may seem more pressing then God you faith sticks. God will always be the worm stuck to your wall. There when you need a laugh. The only difference is that God will never come unstuck. LovE GoD


I feel compelled to address the thousand of foward senders with some of my thoughts on the subject. It is a personal belief that religious fowards are degrading to that particular religions idols and it's participants. When I recieve a message telling me that if I don't text to ten other people within the next two minutes I don't love Jesus, I feel extremely miffed. God is much more then a chain of useless text messages. Whoever starts these fowards, I would like to know, what is your point? If  any of you ever read this, please comment. I would honestly like to know. Maybe it is something that I'm missing. I would just like to put the option out there that when you get these types of messages in your inbox, you don't have to resspond or send them on. God and Jesus will still love you.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Why Life Is Like A Pineapple

Sometimes it's prickly and uncomfortable. Sometimes you get tired of getting poked. But when you are detremined you can get past it all and you find that it really is quite sweet inside. And occasionally, juicy. That metaphor just came to mind and I thought I'd share it.

What I'm All About

My Mistakes Make My Faith is a blog that contains stories of everyday life that I believe pertain to my faith in God. Please do not feel like you have to believe fully, or even at all, in God to read this. Hopefully it will be not only entertaining, but also inspiring to people with different backgrounds and belief systems. Thank you for visiting. I wish that you will find something here that either makes you smile or makes you think.